The Hong Kong Aberdeen wholesale fish market is a bustling hub of activity. Located in the Aberdeen district of Hong Kong, this market is a major source of fresh seafood for the city. Fishermen and vendors from all over the region gather here to sell their catch, ensuring a wide variety of seafood options for buyers. The market is known for its lively atmosphere, with the sound of bargaining and the smell of fish filling the air. From live fish and shellfish to dried and preserved seafood, the market offers a wide range of products to cater to different culinary preferences. It is a must-visit destination for seafood lovers and a testament to Hong Kong’s vibrant culinary scene.
Aberdeen Fishing market is very old and popular for buying and selling fish,and also nearby have a nice authentic restaurants to try yummy taste. Many residents are living in a boat as a house for a generation to now
Address of Aberdeen wholesale fish market is: No: 102 Shek Pai Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Other places around the fishing markets are:
You can see Aberdeen promenade beautiful view, Nice view, one of the oldest tourist attraction area, it is the capital of boats many old, new bots available and people are even living there. MTR south island line is the best transportation to reach, also can take buses 973, 970X , 69, 107 can pass through.
South Horizon private housing
Located in Anetdeen also good place to live, 2016 south Island lone was developed that made easy transportation to the locals to spread out anywhere quickly.
Ap Lei Chau Park,
Another attraction of this area which is located at the main street of Ap Lei Chau street. Basketball court, children play ground, seating benches, and tablet facilities available as usual all other Hong Kong park