BRATABANDHA, One of the Hindu traditions especially popular in Bramin, Chetri, and other casts in Nepal. This is a must-do ritual process for the Hindu boys before the marriage.
Early days it was rigorous to follow the rules; they did it at the of 8 years to 12 years or so, but in recent years parents, as well as kids, are more modernized; therefore, they treat these as a formality. Preferably Bratabadha takes place in Hindu Mandhir and other Gods-related places.

How the BRATABANDHA is done:
BRATABANDHA is a Part of the Hindu rituals in Nepal; there are specific guidelines for the whole process, which takes 5-7 hours with the help of Pandit / Guru / or Priest who gives a MANTRA to a boy. In many places, in ritual guru or organization offers a group Brathabanda, participants’ families share the cost and do it.
Prepare all stuff for the process like a flower, money, Tika, Acheta, change money, kus, till, Prasad, naibedhya, panchamrit, Goras, etc
Candidates only use languti(small cloth thread) to hide very sensitive parts of the body and are sometimes eligible to wear golden or yellow cloths like a lungi, barko, etc.
Many relatives who are under invitation, especially for women participants, mostly use red series, and these days they come with jewelry and makeup.
Relatives gave VICXA; finally, he got new clothes to wear after finishing the process.
Mama is required to catch the Vanja while running, this is also the part of the process, and Mama is the one who is one of the vital people than anyone else in this program.
Guru or Priest will give him the Mantra, which is a secret to chant every day morning with Janai( cotton thread used in a body). He must bathe and fresh every day after that. No meat, only eating vegetarian is the legacy for the brain, but hard to see anyone following it strictly.
Why Brathabandha Celebrate?
We can say it is cultural policy; it brings the boy towards manhood and is eligible him to do all kinds of karmas; also, after this, only a person is qualified for marriage. Old age culture was potent, and all believe and do strictly, gradually with the modern society things change, thinking change and individual interest slim much on this particular events, and now it goes formalities only in many families

What is Bratabandha Mantra?
Listening to a Mantra from the Guru and following them every day is a vital part of the process; a mantra is secret and should not share with anyone else.
Brata Banda Invitation and Card:
In the past, the invitation was established by giving them the SUPARI (Betel nut) used for puja Aaja, marriage, Bratabandha, and spiritual celebration.
Now, society has changed drastically, move towards modernized society, and now these kinds of evens invitations go with the expensive card, a celebration with party palace, or luxury Hotel with costly foods.