Gym and fitness facilities becoming healthy part of the exercise, it has lots of benefits. Without a doubt, Gym room with various gym equipment facilities, doing exercise gives your body attractive, healthy, and strong. Many professional players like a boxer, football player, reseller, runner practice in Gym few months before the tournament or starts that is their part of the practice.
In Hong Kong, many new buildings built last 10-13 years back usually have an excellent clubhouse equipped with various facilities, including Gym room, swimming pool facilities, and necessary exercise apparatus and types of equipment. Some of the popular exercise facilities are
- Treadmill
- Elliptical machine
- Home gym
- Magnetic bike

- AB crunch
- Butt master
- Chest press
- Leg. Extension
- Weights
- Spin bike, and much more.
Fitness Centre in Hong Kong:
The Gym Centre takes a lot of space for trainers for exercise, and to keep the equipment. Plus shower room takes additional space. In the past, due to the financial crisis, many reputed fitness Centres closed down.
Doing Gym and walking daily or Hiking has lots of health benefits so Hong Kong has lots of Hiking trails like Peak hiking area, Tai Lam trails, Maclehose trails, Tai Mo Shan, Lama Island walking trails, Discovery Bay are just a few names against hundred of other popular hiking venues.
Below are some listed names for popular fitness Centers
- Pure Fitness
- Athletic Club
- 24/7 Fitness Centre
- Physical Fitness Centre
- Hybrid Gym Group
- Unlimited Performance trainers Hong Kong
- Fitness First Hong Kong
Types of Gym
There are many Gym types, like a big box gym, personal gym, women gym, group fitness, Weight lifting gym, etc. If there is a specific Gym center, equip relevant apparatus, specialist trainer, equipment, toilets, and much more.

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