Today I am making a small paragraph about Visiting Yau Ma Tei Hindu Temple on the auspicious day of Krishnastami; the temple operates under the Hong Kong Nepali Hindu Association. The Venue is near Yau Ma Tei MTR Exit B2

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Mandir trip during Krishnastami / Ashtami
30th August 2021, the auspicious day of Krisnastami that is the birthday of Lord Krishna; at this time, especially all Hindu temples are busy because of celebration; people are coming for prayer, Bhajans, and much more. Especially for Ladies, they do fasting on this spiritual day which is the symbol of devotion to God. We reached shart 7 pm.
How do the Janmashtami Celebrate?
This day is celebrated by fasting, especially in Nepal, India; ladies are fasting, crack curd pot, go to the temple to pray, and for Bhajans, etc.; this makes them feel good and the positive vibes.
Why does Krishnashtami celebrate? What is behind this?
Our religion says Krishna is the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu; this is the primary reason Hindu believers celebrate Janmashtami. The Lord Vishu is the symbol of the preserver, and he protects the whole universe who protects us at the bad and the difficult time.

Ladies BhaJan team:
While we reached around 7 pm, a group of ladies Bhajan team was ready for the Aarati, and just after the Aarati Bhajan was started, which made pleasure and lightness vibes. All of them used “Om written Saal” as Om is the most spiritual sound in Hinduism.

In my opinion, the temple needs extra financial support to operate in full swing to provide good service for organized future spiritual programs.
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