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Traveling Luggage and Packing tips
Traveling Luggage and packing tips is an art, you should know what kind of luggage to take. What are the things you should carry? What to bring and what not? How to pack the stuff, when to start, all these play a vital role in smooth travel. Knowing traveling luggage and packing tips are essential to know every traveler whether it is long over a month duration or a short trip. Also, learn some travel tips
Short trips like hiking, a trip to sea beaches, Disney land with friends or family, etc. Long trips to any countries like Nepal, overseas travel, etc,
Every day millions of people traveling around the world, based on their culture, religion, and the style they travel around. But, there are some basic THUMB rules on how to prepare your travel package during your trip. Always traveling rules to follow for an exciting and safe trip.
First, set how long your trip duration is. One day trip with a hand-carry would be enough. The trips for a week or more flying to other states or countries required hand-carry plus a Large check-in trolley with necessary stuff. You need for the next seven days or more seven light shirts, two pairs of trousers, customs, your favorite spray lotion, and very importantly, electronics gazettes like a laptop, pad, mobile, charger, power bank, etc.

Light Luggage
The more light travel you do more flexibility you can get. Therefore, everyone tries to do it, but due to a lack of knowledge, their trip is messed up most of the time. Always use an airport standard trolley bag if you are flying, do not put exceeded stuff inside the bag; otherwise, you may have a problem during the custom. The case with more pockets is the added advantage to manage things in each pocket based on category.
Select your perfect hand-carry for your travel needs; I recommend using a 20″ case with four nylon universal wheels, preferred material 1900D quality, combination lock, front pocket use for tab or laptop carry. You may choose the hand-carry color you like. These are available in any supermarket.
Do you need a wheeled trolley?
Yes, the wheeled trolley is very popular these days for travelers. Air travelers may consider buying four wheels trolley that is very easy to pull in a long walk airport. However, if you travel by road transport, where the roads are not very smooth like a small town area trips, instead of four wheels, two wheels trolley is the best option, i.e., easy to pull and the wheel is more significant size.
Identification is like a name, symbolically represents by any color, code, or markings in your trolley bag. In the Airports, Long route train stops, the main bus stops, many people traveling in a rush. Everyone keeps their bags roughly, which are chance to switch if you do not identify their items. While you travel, it cost lots of money, therefore, learn how to earn money while you are in travel.